The Best Time to Visit Venice: The Ultimate All-Season Guide

The Best Time to Visit Venice: The Ultimate All-Season Guide

To truly appreciate Venice’s romantic allure, it’s crucial to plan your visit carefully. I live very close to Venice and spend time there frequently meaning that I have been there in every season. What’s the best time to visit Venice? My favorite times to go there are in April and May and then again in…

The Absolute Worst Time to Visit Venice to Save Your Sanity

The Absolute Worst Time to Visit Venice to Save Your Sanity

Imagine gliding through serene canals, the soft melodies of gondoliers echoing off centuries-old buildings. Now, imagine that same journey, only you’re amidst a sea of tourists, elbowing for space.  My opinion is that the worst times to visit Venice are July and August due to the crowds and intense heat and humidity. However, timing is…